A colour film photo looking out to sea. In the foreground is a deserted beach with a rocky outcrop and a lifeguard lookout hut on the right. On the sea horizon, there is a sailing boat.

Harman Phoenix 200 film - roll 3

All 36 photos from my third roll of Harman Phoenix 200 film, shot mostly on the coast near Motril. I think these are my best Phoenix 200 photos so far.

13 February 2024 · 6 min · Rom Gostomski
A colour film photo of trail signposts in the Cazorla Natural Park

Harman Phoenix 200 film – roll 2

Harman Phoenix 200 is a new colour C41 negative film, full of character and a unique look. See all 36 photos from my second roll of this interesting film.

9 February 2024 · 6 min · Rom Gostomski
A film photo of of autumn leaves and fruits on a tree.

Harman Phoenix 200 colour film – first impressions

My first impressions of the Harman Phoenix 200 colour film, a brand-new ISO 200, C41 colour experimental film with high contrast, strong visible grain and loads of character.

21 January 2024 · 7 min · Rom Gostomski